euro trip overview

A short stay at bratislava, prague & Brno definitely a great experience for me.
Anyhow, european life style are totally different from Asian.
- their daily food are mostly bread, cheese, meat & beer
- everywhere, everytime, everyone drinks beer
- mineral water & fruit juice are more expensive than beer in Prague
- ladies wear so little during summer time, even in the office :p
- those playboy 18sx magazines are everywhere at the bookstore
- 18sx erotic shows on TV every night, haha.
- 'BATA' is original from slovakia, it's the most expensive shoes brand there. *Surprise!
- they like sun like crazy
- longer day time for summer, day time from 5am - 9pm
- they are not so friendly as what I experienced, well ... maybe Im wrong.
- Shops @bratislava close at 6pm :S
- You can't find seafood in their shopping centre.
- they use the same road for train & cars
- Prague really a cool place to visit to.
Well ... that's all i can think of now. It's new experience for me, & i did enjoy it a lot. Hope I can fly to Germany in September again. haha
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